South Coast Paving

If proper precautions are not taken, paving a busy parking lot can pose a dangerous situation to drivers, pedestrians, and even workers.

With the holiday weekend arriving, parking lots are as busy and crowded as ever so proper precautions are essential for safety. South Coast Paving Inc. requires that all of our crews complete safety training each year and we reinforce what we learn during “tool-box” talks that are held on a biweekly basis. Before starting a paving project on your site, be sure to follow these safety tips:

  • There should be a sufficient amount of barricades (equipped with lights when using them during the night) and/or cones in order to safely encompass the area that is being worked on as well as restrict traffic from entering the area. String and caution tape may also be used to safely enclose and restrict areas.
  • Make sure the area barricaded off is large enough so that passersby cannot get too close to the equipment or work in progress. A safe distance from a construction zone is necessary to prevent exposure to open flames, sparks, fumes, and dust/debris.
  • To ensure visibility to everyone in the construction zone, all workers should be dressed in the proper attire. This includes wearing brightly colored vests and shirts with reflective tape.
  • Have the proper Personal Protection Equipment (P.P.E.) on-site at all times and make sure all workers are using the equipment in order to prevent injuries. The equipment includes wearing protective gloves, eyeglasses, hard hats, hearing protection, and other Personal Protection Equipment.
  • Ensure proper traffic control by directing traffic with the posting of directional signs or by having a flagger; this will help keep individuals safe and outside of the construction site. It will also help people recognize that work is being done and that they need to slow down or use an alternate route.
  • Designate specific entry and exit routes for trucks and equipment to help prevent collisions and other car accidents from occurring on-site. Although workers may know where to go, the general public does not, and can become confused.

Remember: These are only general safety guidelines so each rule is followed strictly when appropriate. We make sure to use the appropriate precautions for the appropriate jobs. This ensures that each safety measure can be followed diligently where they pertain to a specific job site. These safety tips will be their most effective when provided the cooperation of the general public. So please make sure to stay alert and pay attention when near a work zone. By following these simple guidelines we can provide safety to our workers, crew, and the public we work with.

If you have any questions or are interested in additional information on paving safety, please contact us today.